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향용머리 국가표준식물목록 국가생물종목록

  • 향용머리(Dracocephalum moldavica L.) : 꽃사랑EXIF Viewer카메라제조사Canon카메라모델명Canon EOS 40D소프트웨어VGL Image Editor촬영일자2009:06:11 08:00:00감도(ISO)500촬영모드조리개우선노출모드Auto exposure측광모드패턴측광노출시간1/200조리개 값f/6.3촛점거리119/1노출보정0/1플래쉬외장후레쉬화이트밸런스Auto사진 크기800 X 533원본사진 크기3888 X 2592


  • 향용머리(Dracocephalum moldavica L.) : 꽃사랑EXIF Viewer카메라제조사NIKON카메라모델명COOLPIX P90 소프트웨어Microsoft Windows Live Photo Gallery14.0.8117.416촬영일자2010:07:25 10:49:40감도(ISO)64촬영모드Program노출모드Auto exposure측광모드패턴측광노출시간10/1248조리개 값f/4.0촛점거리59/10조리개 최대개방30/10노출보정0/10플래쉬외장후레쉬35mm 환산33화이트밸런스Auto사진 크기1024 X 768원본사진 크기4000 X 3000


꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 30속 (피자식물문/목련강/꿀풀목)
용머리속(Dracocephalum) 3종
학명Dracocephalum moldavica L.
분포중국, 러시아, 타지키스탄, 투르크메니스탄, 유라시아, 남아메리카, 한국(인천시, 춘천시)
개요향용머리는 잎이 주걱형 혹은 타원형으로 가장자리가 거치가 있어 잎이 선형이고 전연인 용머리와 구별된다. 또한 벌깨풀은 향용머리에 비해 잎이 심장형의 넓은 원형으로 쉽게 구별할 수 있다. 향용머리는 중국, 유럽 등에서도 원예용으로 재배되고 있거나, 약용식물로 이용되고 있으며(MartínezVazquez et al., 2012), 국내 유입은 재배식물 또는 관상용으로 식물원이나 화원에 도입된 후 국내에 정착한 것으로
생각된다Plants annual, branched herbs, Stems numerous. (6−)22−45 cm long, simple or branched, usually erect or ascending; internodes 3−4.7 cm long; sparsely covered by short minutely retrorse hairy hairs, purplish. Leaves basal cauline leaves withering early, oblong to ovate-triangular, 1.7−2.4 cm long 0.8−1.2 cm width, margin crenate to dentate; obtuse at apex, usually attenuate or rarely cordate at base, on both surfaces
with a short eglandular indumentum, petiole as long as blade, 1.2−1.8 cm long, shorter upward; upper blades lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 1.4−2.1 cm long 0.4−0.9 cm width, yellow glandular, sparsely minute hairy on vein, apex obtuse, base rounded to broadly cuneate, margin triangular-dentate or sparsely serrate, with basal teeth sometimes spinescentdenticulate, with spines. Inflorescence with petiolate to subsessile bracts, oblong to lanceolate, 0.2−0.8 cm long 0.1−0.5 cm width, weakly crenate at margin with spines, usually equaling or longer than sepals, sparsely appressed hairy. Verticillasters six flowered in the node, loose, in 5−12 upper nodes of stems and branches; pedicels 3−5 mm long, horizontal after anthesis; Calyx bilabiate, tubular, nearly actinomorphic, gibbous at base, 7−10 mm long, golden glandular, pubescent especially basally, purple veined, 2-lipped to 2/3 its length, teeth unequal, 1.5−2.5 mm long; upper lip 3 teeth divisions 1/
4−1/3 of lip, teeth subequal, triangular-ovate, apex acute; loewr lip 2-lipped, lanceolate mucronate teeth, hispidulous, puberulent hairs outside, interior surface of calyx teeth hirsute and with pilose hairs inside, rest glabrous. Corolla medium bluish purple, 1.5−2.5(−3.2) mm long, dilated beyond throat, the tube exserted from calyx, white pubescent outside annulate or hemi-annulate inside toward base upper lip short navicular, ca. 1/4 as long as tube; lower lip 3.8−5.2 mm long, middle lobe of lower lip dark purple spotted; filaments filiform,
glabrous; anther 2-locule, elliptical, parallel. Pistil 1; ovary 4-locule; style gynobasic, 3.9−5.2 mm long, exserted, 2-cleft at apex. Nutlets 1.8−2.3 mm long and wide, oblong, apex truncate, with a prominent V-shaped attachment scar, smooth, balckish brown.
근연종*근연분류군과의 검색표
1. Leaves margin entire. ·················· D. argunense 용머리

1. Leaves serrate or dentate. ············································· 2.

2. Calyx 2-lipped to ca. 1/2 its length corolla 1.5?2.5(?3) cm, dilated beyond throat, white pubescent outside; upper lip short navicular, ca. 1/4 as long as tube; Leaves base rounded to broadly cuneate, densely dentate with teeth not spinescent or sometimes basal teeth spinescen ···················· D. moldavica 향용머리

2. Calyx inconspicuously 2-lipped. Corolla 1.5?2 long as long as calyx. 3.8?4 cm, pubescent, middle lobe of lower lip smaller; Leaves basal cauline leaves withering early, oblong to ovate-triangular, margin riangular-dentate or sparsely serrate ··················································································· D. rupestre 벌깨풀
참고문헌애기석잠풀과 향용머리. 한국식물분류학회지 46(4): 413-419.

댓글 2

  • 꽃사랑 2009.08.27 22:40:13 촬영일시 : 2009.6.15 인천 남동구 ghltkghkeks

    향용머리(Dracocephalum moldavica L.) : 꽃사랑EXIF Viewer카메라제조사Canon카메라모델명Canon EOS 40D소프트웨어VGL Image Editor촬영일자2009:06:11 08:00:00감도(ISO)500촬영모드조리개우선노출모드Auto exposure측광모드패턴측광노출시간1/200조리개 값f/6.3촛점거리119/1노출보정0/1플래쉬외장후레쉬화이트밸런스Auto사진 크기800 X 533원본사진 크기3888 X 2592

    * 20-08-06 01:37:52:바늘용머리에서 변경(카르마)

  • 꽃사랑 2011.05.30 23:22:11 촬영일시 : 20100725 인천 남동구 회사정원

    향용머리(Dracocephalum moldavica L.) : 꽃사랑EXIF Viewer카메라제조사NIKON카메라모델명COOLPIX P90 소프트웨어Microsoft Windows Live Photo Gallery14.0.8117.416촬영일자2010:07:25 10:49:40감도(ISO)64촬영모드Program노출모드Auto exposure측광모드패턴측광노출시간10/1248조리개 값f/4.0촛점거리59/10조리개 최대개방30/10노출보정0/10플래쉬외장후레쉬35mm 환산33화이트밸런스Auto사진 크기1024 X 768원본사진 크기4000 X 3000

    * 20-08-06 01:38:06:바늘용머리에서 변경(카르마)

검색된 식물 4

식물이름 학명 조회
벌깨풀 [1/14] 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Dracocephalum rupestre   꿀풀과   용머리속   3,074
용머리 [4/41] 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Dracocephalum argunense   꿀풀과   용머리속   2,666
향용머리 [2/2] 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Dracocephalum moldavica   꿀풀과   용머리속   284
흰용머리 [0/6] Dracocephalum argunense for. alba   꿀풀과   용머리속   2,062

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