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큰쉽싸리 국가표준식물목록 국가생물종목록

꿀풀과(Lamiaceae) 30속 (피자식물문/목련강/꿀풀목)
쉽싸리속(Lycopus) 6종
학명Lycopus lucidus Turcz. ex Benth. var. hirtus Regel
개요Flowering July to August; fruiting August to October.
Herbs perennial, over 1.0 m tall, rhizomes creeping. Stems
square, the angles obtuse, the groove between angles
prominent, pubescent, densely pubescent at nodes. Leaves
sessile or subsessile, pubescent on both sides; blades 8-15 cm
long, 2.5-4.5 cm width, elliptic to narrowly ovate, the apex
acute to acu-minate, the base cuneate to obtuse, the margin
serrate, numerous glandular trichomes on the abaxial side.
Inflorescences axillary, in loose verticillate cymes, densely
flowered; the bracteoles small, subulate or narrowly triangular,
glabrous on both surfaces, the margins serrulate or cilliate.
Flowers sess-ile or nearly so; calyx campanulate, glabrous, 5-
toothed, 3-4 mm long, the teeth narrowly triangular, equal,
spine-tipped, ciliate margin; corolla campanulate, white, 4-
lobed, the tube shorter than or as long as the calyx; stamens
4 (2 fertile and 2 degenerated); anthers 2-celled, parallel.
Nutlets obovate, rounded-truncate at apex, broadly cuneate at
base, smooth, ca. 2 mm long.
Distribution and habitat: Russia, China, Taiwan, Japan and
Korea. In Korea, it has found the east side of Gangwon
Province mainly at the coastal lagoon areas such as Hwajinpo,
Seonyudam, and Pomaeho
근연종*Key of the genus Lycopus in Korea
1. Rhizomes short, with a fusiform tuber; calyx teeth acute or subacute, not spine tipped; nutlets longer than calyx ························································ L. uniflorus 털쉽싸리
1. Rhizomes long creeping, without tuber; calyx teeth aristate-acuminate, spine tipped; nutlets shorter than calyx
2. Leaves oblong-obovate to ovate ····················································· L. cavaleriei 개쉽싸리
2. Leaves lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate
3. Stems slender, 20-50 cm tall; leaves narrowly lanceolate, serrate····································· L. maackianus 애기쉽싸리
3. Stems robust, > 50 cm tall; leaves oblong-lanceolate, coarsely dentate-serrate
4. Stems glabrous, 50-100 cm tall; leaves glabrous ······································ L. lucidus var. lucidus 쉽싸리
4. Stems pubescent, > 100 cm tall; leaves pubescent ··································· L. lucidus var. hirtus 큰쉽싸리
참고문헌DOI: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2013.43.2.99

댓글 0

검색된 식물 6

식물이름 학명 조회
털쉽싸리 [1/5] 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Lycopus uniflorus   꿀풀과   쉽싸리속   2,256
애기쉽싸리 [3/22] 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Lycopus maackianus   꿀풀과   쉽싸리속   2,951
쉽싸리 [3/31] 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Lycopus lucidus   꿀풀과   쉽싸리속   3,511
큰쉽싸리 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Lycopus lucidus var. hirtus   꿀풀과   쉽싸리속   231
산쉽싸리 [0/1] 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Lycopus charkeviczii   꿀풀과   쉽싸리속   233
개쉽싸리 [1/8] 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Lycopus coreanus   꿀풀과   쉽싸리속   3,501

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