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흰금털고사리 국가표준식물목록 국가생물종목록

금털고사리과(Hypodematiaceae) 1속 (양치식물문/고사리강/고사리목)
금털고사리속(Hypodematium) 3종
학명Hypodematium squamuloso-pilosum Ching
개요Herbs, mostly rupestral, 12?30 tall. Rhizomes shortly creeping, 1?2 mm in diameter, densely scaly; scales linear to narrowly lanceolate, 10?17 × 1.0×1.7 mm, reddish brown, lustrous, membranous. Stipes 5?23 cm long, stramineous, densely scaly on swollen base, densely grayish white hairy, rarely mixed with curly, linear scales at upward. Lamina 3?4 pinnatifid, ovate-oblong, base cordate, apex acuminate, herbaceous, 8?15 × ca. 7?12 cm, densely white long hairy on rachis and costae, sometimes mixed with glandular hairs and curly, linear, reddish brown scales. Pinnae 8?12 pairs, lower pairs 2?4 cm apart, basal pair almost opposite and largest, oblong lanceolate, apex shortly acuminate, 2?3 pinnatifid, base cordate, 5?8 × 2.5?3.5 cm, basal pinnae shortly stalked. Pinnules 7?9 pairs, alternate, anadromous, shortly stalked, upper ones smaller, apex round or obtuse, margins serrate. Veins free, simple, ending at margin. Sori orbicular, 1?4 per segment, located on the middle of veinlets. Indusia reniform, persistent, almost entire or somewhat serrate at margin, densely covered with hairs.
Habitat: In rocks of limestone regions within forests.
Distribution: Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea.
참고문헌DOI: https://doi.org/10.11110/kjpt.2017.47.2.119

댓글 0

검색된 식물 3

식물이름 학명 조회
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가는잎금털고사리 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Hypodematium angustifolium   금털고사리과   금털고사리속   73
흰금털고사리 국가표준식물목록 * 본종은 국가생물종목록을 근거로 등록된 종입니다. Hypodematium squamuloso-pilosum   금털고사리과   금털고사리속   116

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